The Jewish People and the State of Israel are under intense attack. Not since the Holocaust have we been subjected to such horrific, barbaric, unspeakable atrocities. The Jewish response is to fight hate with love; to increase our concentration during prayers, up our level of Torah learning and mitzvah observance, to repair interpersonal relationships, engage in acts of kindness, increase our charitable giving, and to volunteer to help those in need!
In response to the numerous requests for guidance in how/where to contribute and do, the following is an incomplete list of organizations whose missions may resonate with you. Please do your own independent research to ensure their veracity!
May The Almighty have mercy on all of us! Am Yisroel Chai!
FIDF - Friends of the IDF - https://www.fidf.org/
Just One Thing - https://www.sharejustonething.com/
United Hatzalah - https://israelrescue.org/
Yad Ezra - https://www.yadezra.net/food_for_people_in_bomb_shelters_e.php
Magen David Adom - https://www.mdais.org/en
Magen David Adom South Jersey Chapter -
Jewish Federation Israel Emergency Campaign
Agudath Israel Israel Relief Fund - https://www.charidy.com/agudahrelief
Orthodox Union Israel Crisis Fund - https://www.charidy.com/ouisraelcrisis
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