Mishloach Manos - Purim Basket Project
Welcome to the
Torah Links of South Jersey
Mishloach Manos Gift Basket Project 2022
Using our online ordering, Mishloach Manos gift-giving has never been easier!
Joint Mishloach Manos
For just $3.50 per recipient you can participate in the sending of a Mishloach Manos Gift Basket to anyone on our Torah Links of South Jersey recipient list.
For $360 you can send to our entire list of recipients. This amounts to less than $2 per recipient!
All recipients will receive ONE basket with a list of all those who have joined in sending them Mishloach Manos. To ensure the fulfillment of your Purim Mishloach Manos mitzvah obligation, the size and value of the gift basket will grow as per the number of those joining in, per recipient. Baskets will be delivered on Purim.
You also have the opportunity to reciprocate. If you select this option at the top of the “My Mishloach Manos” page, anyone sending you the Purim package whom you did not originally check on your list, will be added to your order. You will receive a second charge on your credit card of $3.50 x the number of applicable reciprocal orders, calculated after the deadline. We will send you an email receipt for this charge. We cannot process reciprocals only.
Extra Options:
We are collecting Matanos La’evyonim - charitable contributions, that will be distributed to those in need on Purim. You will have an opportunity to participate in this Mitzvah after selecting your Mishloach Manos recipients.
The Torah Links of South Jersey Grand Purim Party will take place on Purim Day, Thursday, March 17 at 6:30 PM. You will have an opportunity to register for the Purim Party after selecting your Mishloach Manos recipients.
Credit Card Payments will be processed by HappyPurim.com. All other aspects of the fundraiser are being run by our Mishloach Manos Campaign Committee. Please be assured that even though we are working with Happypurim.com your address and other personal information will not be shared with any other entity.
For more information, to receive log-in information, to have someone or yourself added to the list, to pay by check, or for help with ordering, please email mishloachmanos@torahlinks.org
For technical support, please contact Support@happypurim.com
Deadline for Mishloach Manos ordering will be on
Tuesday, March 7, 2022 at 12.00 am
Thank you for supporting the
Torah Links of South Jersey Purim Fundraiser
Empower YOUR Judaism